About us

Caeriad is a small-scale, regenerative market garden in St David's. We are a team of four directors, alongside a host of volunteers. We all share a vision of reconnecting with the land, our food, and the community we live in.

We believe that everybody should have access to delicious, nutrient-dense, affordable food, that is free from chemicals and pesticides. We work hard towards creating resilient growing systems that can feed many people while maintaining a diverse range of produce on a small piece of land. We almost exclusively supply our produce to small businesses and the local community.

Bringing nutrients back into the soil & food

We are not registered as organic, however, we grow everything without using chemicals, pesticides, insecticides. We create our own bio-fertilisers. We do almost everything by hand (creating beds, planting, harvesting), to keep Caeriad's carbon use low, chemical use at zero, and prices stay fair.

We use no-dig, regenerative methods for growing all of our vegetables and herbs. We never have, and never will be, dependent on big machinery. These combined means that we actively support the soil beneath us to regenerate and become packed full of nutrients, which we are rewarded with through our produce.

Meet the team

Caeriad was co-founded by four friends; enthusiastic about growing food for the community, supporting local wildlife and diversifying land, supporting, and wanting to do something positive for people and the planet.

We had a collective dream of re-connecting with the land, growing food in a way that is sustainable, lowers food miles, supports the local economy, and community.

Sam M.

Creative Director

Juli V.

Senior Designer

Alma J.


Ffi M.







Quality, not quantity

In March 2021 we began renting a small 0.5 acre field and made it our mission to develop the space into a productive market garden.

Our mission

Food sovreinity

Community connections

Soil health

Wholesale and partnerships

Since we established in 2021, we have worked with a number of fantastic local, and national businesses and organisations on projects, as partners, and more. If you are interested in speaking to us about a project, get in touch with us below.